Casa de Esperanza es un ministerio de la Primera Iglesia Metodista Unida en Tuckerton, NJ para la comunidad hispana. Nuestro ministerio está compuesto por un grupo de discípulos comprometidos a brindar recursos a la comunidad para que las personas puedan encontrar y experimentar el amor redentor de Cristo y crecer en compromiso y servicio a los demás.
Es un ministerio comprometido con el crecimiento de cada uno de sus participantes. Creemos que las personas merecen atención personal para ayudarlos alcanzar el potencial de Dios para sus vidas. Estamos comprometidos a proporcionar una atmósfera que promueva el crecimiento espiritual. Es nuestro anhelo que cada vida tenga la oportunidad de servir en el lugar donde Dios ha llamado a los participantes a colaborar para la expansión de su Reino.
Por el momento, los servicios son online.
Nuestra visión es que los hispanos de nuestra comunidad se sientan como en casa y proporcionar un espacio seguro en el que puedan tener un encuentro con Dios. Creemos que la comunidad hispana en Tuckerton puede tener la oportunidad de una vida espiritual saludable. Por mas de catorce años Casa de Esperanza ha reflejado el amor de Dios y ha llevado el mensaje de Dios con todas las personas.
Casa de Esperanza (House of Hope) is an outreach ministry of Tuckerton United Methodist Church for the Hispanic community of Tuckerton and its surrounding areas. Our ministry is comprised of a group of disciples committed to provide resources to the community so that people can find and experience the redeeming love of Christ and grow in knowledge, commitment and service to others.
Casa de Esperanza is a ministry focused on loving God and our neighbors. Jesus said: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself”. This commandment drives the life of our ministry. We love God in two ways: when we worship Him, and by obeying Him. (We love God…and we love our neighbor). We love our neighbors by focusing on their needs rather than the needs of the ministry.
Casa de Esperanza is a ministry committed to the growth of each of its participants. We believe that people deserve personal attention to help them reach God’s potential for their lives. We are committed to providing an atmosphere that promotes spiritual growth, the ability to be in ministry and serve in the place God has called participants to collaborate for the expansion of His Kingdom.
Services are online.
The vision of House of Hope is to make the Hispanic people of our community feel at home and to provide a safe space in which they can have an encounter with God. We believe that the Hispanic community in Tuckerton can be refreshed and satisfied. For fourteen years, House of Hope has aimed to reflect God’s love and to share God’s message with all people.
Equipo Espiritual Casa de Esperanza